Renewing the Flame of Evangelism, Worship and Praise in the Church and to Restore Christian Love and Fellowship in Families and Communities.
Fervently exhort true love and biblical fellowship within the family and among all believers, wihile encouraging a greater manifestation of that love and fellowship towards one another, as unto the Lord,
Encourage every member to carry the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by sharing the Word of God with simplicity to all men, utilizing all available modes of social media communications,
Lessons providing weekly pastoral teaching and training, designed to encourage renewed family and community fellowship, diligence and faithfulness in the believer's daily walk, while fostering an energetic spirit of youthfulness and purity in our praise and worship unto God,
Living and teaching all to live a bilical holy lifestyle, while ministering to the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of the total man,
Operating and teaching all believers to walk in holy boldness, with confidence in the power and anointing of God,
Working to provide community feeding programs, food bank, home prayer and visitation services, which minister to the needs of the homeless, hungry, sick and shut-in as well as to the incarcerated and those in need,
Support, partner with and provide a spiritual covering for World Youth Ministries, Inc. with it's many and vaired programs and services,
Helping members and community, by proactively encouraging healthy lifestyle living, providing healthy habit workshops and economic empowerment workshops, while encourageing a geniune desire to seek improved physical and economic status of members and community, through job training, interview skills training, financial literacy training and heart health education,
Initiating and providing spiritual guidance, mentoring, educational tutoring and homework centers, to the community youth,
Plan, establish and sponsor a benevolent fund, while also partnering with community agencies and ministries, to provide emergency assistance to individuals with obvious and/or documented need, based on a pre-established criteria,
Nurture and strenghten the central family unit, through family oriented Christian services and activities,
Operate and administer a plan for: medically prescribed prescription assistance, quality low cost medical treatment/referral services, affordable housing for single parents, the elderly and low income families,
Win the world; sponsor community outreach envangelistic programs and community services.